Our Services
Our range of services include 5 teams of experienced Motorcycle Couriers and 1 team of Pushbike Couriers, all with excellent knowledge of streets and buildings throughout London. Same day couriers and delivery.

Central London Couriers are responsible for handling our most demanding and intense work, whilst at the same time having to cope with various congestion / parking challenges, speed cameras and other traffic calming initiatives.
Couriers are recruited for their experience, knowledge and understanding of the industry, as well as their general knowledge of streets, places and buildings throughout London.
A typical vehicle used by a Central London Courier would be a Pushbike, 125 Scooter, or a Small or Large car based Van.

Greater London Couriers cover all areas in and around the M25. A typical vehicle used would be anything from a 125cc Scooter, 500cc middle distance motorcycle or a Small or Large car based Van.
Couriers are recruited for their experience, knowledge and understanding of the industry, as well as their general knowledge of streets, places and buildings throughout Greater London and a good general knowledge of routes and towns throughout the Home Counties.

Distance Couriers are recruited for their experience, knowledge and understanding of the industry, as well as their knowledge of streets places and main routes to UK towns and villages.
These Couriers work using high performance 1000cc + Motorcycles, or a Small or Large car based Vans to enable them to drive quickly and safely both on motorways and through congested areas.

UK Next Day International
At Urgent Services you can have the benefit of dealing with one supplier for your UK Next Day and International business, but at the same time, enjoy the freedom to ship through UK Mail, APC, DHL, Fed Ex, UPS, as well as a host of independents due to our unique position of having the benefit of wholesale rates, which we sell on to our clients as part of an overall services package.